Zemljiste i Biljka (Soil and Plant) journal considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have been submitted only to  Zemljiste i Biljka, and not been published already, nor under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere, except a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium. 

SCOPE: “Zemljiste i biljka” publishes original research papers in both fundamental and applied aspects of all soils science disciplines and its applications, i.e., pedology, agrochemistry, plant nutrition, soil microbiology and biology, soil fertility and degradation, monitoring and biodiversity, climates changes and sustainable agriculture, forest environment, melioration, remediation, conservation, contamination, GIS, sensing, modelling, crowdsourcing, precision agriculture, GHGs emissions and carbon sequestration, biofuels and biochar, soil and water interactions, soil tillage, land use, food security, agriculture policies.