
Позив за симпозијум 2022.

ПРВО ОБАВЕШТЕЊЕ Поштоване колеге и пријатељи, Пољопривредни факултет Универзитета у Новом Саду, Српско друштво за проучавање земљишта и Институт за ратарство и повртарство Нови Сад, организују Симпозијум са међународним учешћем под називом: „Земљиште у доба прецизне пољопривреде и информационих технологија”. Позивамо Вас да узмете учешће у раду симпозијума и резултате истраживања поделите са учесницима. Симпозијум ће се одржати на Пољопривредном факултету Универзитета у Новом Саду од 16-17 јуна 2022. године. Испод текста кликом преузимте: ПРВО ОБАВЕШТЕЊЕ Упутство за писање абстракта (СРБ) Abstract template (ENG)

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INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS ZEMLJISTE I BILJKA – SOIL AND PLANT-РАСТЕНИЕ И ПОЧВА   The electronic Journal is published twice a year: June and December. The manuscript for the June issue is accepted until the end of March and manuscripts for the December issue are accepted until the end of September. http://www.sdpz.rs/index.php/sr-yu/casopis-zemljiste-i-biljka Papers are accepted in English, Serbian and Russian languages. A typical full paper must not exceed 5000 words. A short paper must not exceed 1800 words. A review paper must be at least 6000 words. The manuscript should be sent to the email address: editor.zib@gmail.com.   All manuscripts must be submitted with a cover page, which includes: title, authors, affiliations, corresponding author. Please include all authors’ full names, affiliations, and postal addresses. For a corresponding author also a telephone number and email address must be included. Cover page: includes the title of the manuscript; short title, authors with affiliations and addresses; corresponding author with an email address; keywords. Title: Title must be no longer than 250 characters with space and must be concise, preferably without abbreviations. Short title: not longer than 50 characters (with spaces). Abstract: Abstract must have no more than 300 words that state the purpose, basic procedures, main findings and principal conclusions of the study. The abstract should not contain abbreviations or references.   Following the abstract, up to six Keywords are listed. For the manuscripts in English, the abstract in Serbian should be given as well at the end of the manuscript. For the manuscripts in Serbian and Russian, the abstract in English should be given as well at the end of the manuscript. All Tables and Figures must be incorporated into the text.   DIVISION OF THE TEXT  The manuscript should be organized in the following order: Abstract,


јун 6th, 2017|0 Comments

ZEMLJIŠTE I BILJKA SOIL and PLANT – ПОЧВА и РАСТЕНИЕ Editor in Chief: Elmira SALJNIKOV, Dr. Institute of Soil Sciences,

Ciljevi i delokrug

јун 6th, 2017|0 Comments

AIMS AND SCOPE Zemljiste i Biljka (Soil and Plant) journal considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have been submitted


By |јун 6th, 2017|Categories: Kategorija (sr-yu)|

  XV Национални и III Међународни конгрес СДПЗ Soils for future under global challenges     Поштоване колегинице и колеге, Обавештавамо вас да је објављен

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